Deserving Love?

“You spread a table before me in the presence of those who trouble me; *
         You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup is running over.”
                                                                                          Psalm 23: 5

This particular verse is all about Grace and how that Grace is shown to the rest of the world.
Who belongs at this table?

First let’s address “those who trouble me” or as the older translation says “in the presences of my enemies.” It seems like a strange thing to say. Why would we want to eat with those who don’t like us or who want to do us harm? Well the truth is that often we are our own worst enemies. We allow our actions to keep us away from God and all that God wants to give us. We think that because we aren’t perfect, we are not worthy of the God’s love.

The opposite is true. God knows that we are not perfect and so he invites us to the table warts and all. We are given so much because of God’s love in spite of our flaws. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s Love and there is nothing we can do to unearn God’s Love.

A Sacrament is defined in The Book of Common Prayer as “an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace.” This means that our invitation to the Eucharistic table and to Baptism (either as the candidate or as a support) shows the outside world our relationship with God. It is a relationship that already exists prior to the act of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ or the anointing oil that represents the Holy Spirit.

Enjoying the gifts of Grace in God's Creation
You see the Sacraments are given to us to remind us that God will provide for us and that we belong to God.
Eucharist reminds us of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. It engages our senses and imaginations and feeds us so that we are able to go into the world knowing that God’s Love is constant.

Sacrament, an outward sign of an inward Grace
Baptism not only marks our entrance into the Body of Christ but it reminds the entire congregation of the gift, they received at their Baptism. We restate the promises that were made at each Baptism. We hear the story of our Salvation from the beginning through the Thanksgiving Over the Water, a prayer that recalls creation, the Israelites being led through the Red Sea to safety, and Jesus’ own Baptism and Anointing by the Holy Spirit. Once again our senses and imaginations are engaged so that we can truly understand and carry with us God’s Love.

This reminder of the gift of God’s Love and provision is given to us by psalmist is two very short lines of Psalm 23. Nothing can keep you from the Love of God. Nothing!

Conversation Starters:
  • How do you know God love you?
  • What has made you understand that love is unconditional?
  • How can we do this love thing better as a family?
  • What is your outward and visible sign of your relationship with God?
  • I wonder, how God's love will be shown through you.


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