The Story of Death (and Life)

On Sunday we began the journey out of Lent and towards Easter. We heard the story of Jesus entering Jerusalem in triumph with crowds of people praising him. We sang about his glory and we became the crowds that welcomed Jesus. Then we heard the story of Jesus’ last days with his disciples, his arrest and his death. We became the crowds again and we asked for Jesus to be crucified. It is an emotional and sometimes overwhelming day. We experience all that Jesus experienced in the last week of his life in a matter of minutes and then we leave.

The church has, by design, created a means for us to experience the Passion of Jesus in many ways so that we are able to truly understand the events that led to Jesus being crucified and to his resurrection.

Many of us shy away from telling our children the more gruesome parts of the story of Jesus’ death because we are uncomfortable with having these conversations with our children but our children are much more resilient than we realize. Our children understand punishment and shame better than we want to admit. Our children see death and suffering in their shows and in the lives of those around them. Unfortunately when we do not have these talks with our children about death and suffering, they hear it somewhere else. Often those explanations are woefully lacking in the understanding of grace, love and salvation. Our children need to know and understand that death and suffering is not the end of the story. We do not have the luxury of not telling them the whole story.

Please tell your children the story early and often this Holy Week. Allow them to know and experience what Christ experienced and how his shame and suffering leads to our being reunited to God. Jesus died for the sins of all humanity even us. Then bring the whole family to experience the last days of Jesus life and to celebrate his resurrection.

I would recommend that you read the collect for the day, each day of Holy Week as well as the Passion story. They contain beautiful language that does not shy away from the full understanding of the gift that we have been given through Jesus Christ.

Today’s Scripture: Mark 15: 1-39

Prayer for Today:

O God, by the passion of your blessed Son you made an instrument of shameful death to be for us the means of life: Grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ, that we may gladly suffer shame and loss for the sake of your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(Collect for the Tuesday of Holy Week, The Book of Common Prayer, 220)

Conversation Starters:
In your own words, tell me the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Why do you think we hear the story of Jesus’ death?
Why do you believe Jesus died? 
Can God understand when we are hurting or suffering?


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